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Personal Artifact Reflection

Before I started writing my artifact essay I thought, I was going to write about a gift that I got over the summer but, then I realized that I didn’t have much to say about that gift so, I choose to write about my necklace. Once I sat down on my computer and opened, my doc I started thinking about how I was going to introduce my artifact so, I planned to begin by describing how the necklace is a fake silver and also has a heart in the middle of it. I then needed to explain to my readers why my necklace is significant to me. I then started to describe how I become the person I am today because of the challenges I have faced in the past.

Throughout this writing process, I have used 3-course learning outcomes. The first learning outcome is to develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes. I used this learning outcome by doing peer review, group work, and doing the discussion boards. The second learning outcome is to enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment. I used this learning outcome by reading about other people describing their artifacts in our fieldwork textbook, and then I started to draft my essay about my necklace, and when I was done I shared, my essay with my peer review partner so that he can look over my essay so that he can help me edit it. The third and final learning outcome I have used is to negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of the genre, medium, and rhetorical situation. I have used this learning outcome, by making sure that what I was describing my necklace was made clear to the audience. I have also used this outcome by making sure my essay did not exceed 750 words.

The genre of this essay is a personal narrative essay as I had to write about an artifact that was important to me, which was my necklace. The exigence of this essay is that my necklace has been with me since I was eleven and a half and was a victim of bullying until now when I have broken out of my shell and became a confident woman that will stand for herself. The purpose of this essay was to explain how our artifact relates to our subcultures, what is the cultural significance of the artifact, how does it make me feel, what does artifact says about me, and how do I think other people will perceive it. The audience for this essay is my professor Alyssa and my peers. The context of this essay is that I needed to communicate in only 750 words I needed to explain to my audience why I choose to write about my necklace. The goals that my audience and I share is that for my essay to be organized and clear to understand.