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Personal Artifact Essay

                                                                           Why My necklace Is Important 

      My artifact is a heart necklace that has a heart inside of a heart. The necklace is composed of fake silver. I received this gift from my grandmother six years ago during the summer when I was visiting my family in Egypt. I haven’t taken it off from the moment I got it because of how much it means to me. I got this necklace when I was eleven and a half years old.  During that time in my life, I was bullied by the boys in my class. They teased me, calling me vicious words like fat and ugly. At that time, I was shy and couldn’t stand up for myself. However, once I got to high school started gaining confidence and speaking up for myself.  Now that I am in college, I fully embrace who I am, and the necklace is a reminder of how much I changed. This necklace has been with me through the good times and the bad times, and when I look at it, I remember who I was and who I have become.   

                My necklace says that I am a person who has faced many challenges to become who I am today. For example, I mentioned how I used to be bullied in middle school. However, I ended up forgiving these boys later because they were children. Also, when I was in high school in the tenth grade, these girls who I thought were friends catfished me, used a boy that I knew from middle school making him text me on Instagram and call me on my phone, playing the role of another boy to make me like him. However, I always felt suspicious, and a year later one of those girls confessed about what they had done because they thought I was a joke. This made me realize I need to become more confident, I decided to become more confident, by believing in myself and, not caring about what others think of me because at the end of the day it is my life and not theirs. This necklace made me feel happy. It was like my good luck charm.  I remember this summer when I went to Egypt, and I decided to not wear my necklace and wear another one instead. what ended up happening with that I became sick and I felt sad for the whole summer. My sickness only got better after arriving in America and putting on the necklace. Every other time I would go to Egypt, I had never gotten sick because that is where I grew up, but this summer was different because I wasn’t wearing my necklace.   

                     Other people may perceive my necklace as just a regular accessory, but for me, it is a part of my daily life, and if it is missing, then bad luck ends up coming into my life. This necklace reflects the way I see myself as it makes me realize how forgiving I am, which makes others treat me as a joke because they realize that I will end up forgiving them. I want others to see me as a nice and kind person that they can be friends with instead of someone who they believe is scared and won’t stand up for herself. The cultural significance of my necklace is that it is from Egypt and is from my grandmother, who is like a second mom to me as she raised me with my mother when I lived in Egypt. This necklace is a part of my identity as I wear it every day. This necklace is also a part of the subculture that I belong to because, in Egypt, a lot of females have similar necklaces that they wear.  

                     My necklace is a huge part of my life that I believe will always be around as I feel like it carries around the good times and the bad times of my life. My necklace is a reminder of my growth in just six years.; I grew into a confident person who is now able to stand up for herself. My necklace will also be something that I can carry around from my grandmother since she lives in a different country, and I will not always be able to see her each summer.